

The Forest of Dean’s rich industrial history is a direct result of its geology, lying in a basin formed by carboniferous strata and almost coterminous with fields of coal and... Read More

Mitcheldean Brewery

Thomas Wintle built a brewery in Brook Street, Micheldean, in 1868 (using sandstone blocks from the Wilderness Quarry). Read More

Monmouth (CMPUR) Bridge

The bridge which later carried Wye Valley Railway trains over the River Wye from Monmouth Troy station to Chepstow was built by the Coleford, Monmouth, Usk and Pontypool Railway, as... Read More

Monmouth Tramroad

The Monmouth Railway Act, authorising construction of a horse-drawn tramroad from Howlers Slade, near Broadwell, to May Hill, near Monmouth, via Coleford, Newland, and Redbrook, was passed on 24 May 1810. Read More

Monument Free Mine

Formerly known as Hayners Bailey or Bixslade Free Mine, Monument Mine (named after the nearby Union Pit Disaster Memorial) is currently (2002) the only free mine producing coal in the Forest. Read More

Morse's Level

Morses Level was driven by George Morse, a free miner of Yorkley, in about 1832 to work the Yorkley Seam of the Pennant Group. Read More

Nelson Colliery

Although a licence to erect a steam engine was granted in 1825, little work appears to have been done until about 1841, when shaft sinking reached 168 ft. Read More

Netherhope Halt

Netherhope Halt was the last halt to be opened on the Wye Valley Railway, between Chepstow and Monmouth, in July 1932. Read More

New Bowson Colliery

Although the Bowson deep gale was granted to Cornelius Walding in 1843, serious development was not begun until 1864, when the Great Western Deep Coal Co. began sinking two shafts. Read More

New Fancy - An Introduction

New Fancy is a Forestry Commission amenity site, which is located at the site of the former coal mine of the same name. Read More

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