What do you get for your membership fee?

  • Annually, ten indoor meetings, three outdoor meetings

  • A newsletter by post four times per year

  • The opportunity to purchase our annual publication 'The New Regard'
    at a special member's rate

Take a look at our Events Page for details of this year's programme.

How much does it cost?

Annual membership costs £12 for one person, or £17 for two people at the same address. 

For overseas members the cost is £20 to include the extra costs of postage, and can be paid for here in our web shop.

There are downloadable membership forms available on this page.

Please download, complete, and return the appropriate form with payment. Details of where to return the completed forms are included on the downloadable forms.

Please make separate payments for membership and publications to ensure correct postage is charged.


Download membership application form


Download membership renewal form